Frequently Asked Questions


  • BIDA One Stop Service (OSS) portal
    • Launched in 2019, BIDA’s online One Stop Service (OSS) portal is a single-window platform for availing investor services in Bangladesh. At present, 58 online services are available, of which 18 services are from BIDA and 40 from 18 are other government and private agencies.
    • BIDA is working to integrate all investor services with the award-winning OSS platform. BIDA’s Foreign Industry Wing processes 100% of applications within SLA.
    • Access e-payment enabled services
    • Submit service request and get time-bound results
    • Track all communication and service request status
    • Back-end approval processes carried out electronically to ensure quality of service
    • Application status monitored through dashboards
    • Real-time user feedback enabled, You can Call: tel: +8809678771353 or visit:
  • The registration process is same for local, foreign and joint venture industry.

    Any applications for investment registration are to be made online through BIDA’s One- Stop Service (OSS) portal (

    List of documents required for local and foreign investment (including joint venture) projects is mentioned in the portal.

  • Yes. BIDA can register the investment projects that are located anywhere in Bangladesh, except those located in the zones or areas managed by BEZA, BEPZA, BHTPA, Hi- Tech Park, and BSCIC.

  • Yes, possible. BIDA’s Divisional Offices are authorized to receive applications to award registration regardless of the project status. However, the registration of branch, liaison/ representative is only processed from BIDA’s Headquarter in the capital Dhaka.

  • BIDA Act, 2016 requires all investors for industrial undertakings (those located outside the jurisdiction of BEZA, BEPZA, BHTPA, BSCIC) to register their investments with BIDA. BIDA registration is not necessarily required for commercial and trading activities, buying houses and service-oriented institutions.

    Registration is necessary for the concerned investors to be eligible: i) for incentives of income tax exemption, import duty and other tax exemptions ii) for privileges and facilities declared by the government iii) to apply for investment-related licensing and permits such as expatriate work permit, foreign borrowings, import permit/ registration certificate for industrial use, and iv) to access to any other facilitation services provided by BIDA.

    The branch, liaison and representative offices of a foreign company must obtain registration from BIDA.

  • BIDA is not in a position to assist to access domestic and/or overseas commercial or policy-based loans.

  • No. BIDA is not a financing institution or provide any type of loan/grant to the registered investors. However, BIDA may introduce the policy-based financing scheme (including a loan scheme such as Export Development Fund).

  • Aside from the “incentives” to registered investors, investors in general can benefit from various privileges and facilities. Some of the major privileges are:

    • Double taxation prevention in accordance to the bilateral double taxation treaties,
    • Repatriation of invested capital, profit, and dividend,
    • Remittance of royalty, franchise, technical license/ know-how/ assistance fees,
    • Reinvestment of remittable dividends (treated as new investment),
    • Provision of transfer of shares held by foreign shareholders to local investors, etc. In addition, export-oriented industries (exporting more than 80% of their goods and services) regardless of their locations (i.e., within or outside EZ/ EPZ) can benefit from the following privileges and facilities:
    • Eligible to be exempted from income tax for 50% earnings from export (unless paying tax at reduced rate),
    • Bonded warehouse (BWH) and duty drawback (tariff refund) systems,
    • Eligible to open back-to-back letter of credit (L/C), and receive loans up to 90% of the value against irrevocable or confirmed L/C sales contract,
    • Eligible to receive export retention quota (ERQ) which can be utilized for marketing, overseas office establishment, trade fair participation, etc.,
    • Export credit guarantee for facilitating access to foreign exchange finance for material/ input procurement,
    • Eligible to claim advance income tax rebate on export earnings, and exempt taxes on a specified quantity of samples for manufacturing export goods,
    • Can be allowed to import banned and restricted goods if they are deemed essential material and input for manufacturing export goods, and,

    Eligible to sell up to 20% of goods locally as far as trading is settled by L/C in foreign currency and related taxes are paid. Exporters of certain sectors enjoy additional benefits in the form of a subsidy or cash incentive based on some conditions.

  • BIDA can facilitate the investors for accessing lands for industrial use. BIDA provide facilitation to introduce the investor with the agencies such as BEZA, BEPZA, BHTPA, BSCIC, or city development authorities including RAJUK in Dhaka, CDA in Chittagong, KDA in Khulna, RDA in Rajashahi, etc., for getting information of land.


  • Bangladesh Plastic Goods Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BPGMEA) is a private sector association which represent all kinds of plastic goods manufacturers of Bangladesh and it has got about 1,000 members. Contact: 29347892, Email:

  • Bangladesh Engineering Industry Owner’s Association (BEIOA) :02-9583565

    • Bangladesh Engineering Industry Owner’s Association (BEIOA)
    • Automobiles Components & Accessories Manufacturers Association (ACAMA)
    • Bicycle & Parts Manufacturer & Exporters’ Association (BBPMEA)
    • Electrical Merchandise manufacturer Association (BEMMA)
  • Leathergoods And Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB), Contact: 880-2-58810271-2, Address: Harbour Gulshan Link Road Ta-94/B (1st & 2nd Floor), Email:, Website: Middle Badda, Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.


    • Copy of permission letter of branch/liaison/representative office OR Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation duly signed by the shareholders in case of locally-incorporated companies
    • Board resolution for employment of foreign national(s) mentioning the name, nationality & passport number of the expatriate(s)
    • Photograph of the expatriate
    • Copy of passport of the expatriate/employee with all arrival stamps & departure seals
    • Appointment letter/transfer order/service contract or agreement of expatriate/investors
    • Certificates of all academic qualification & professional experience for the employee(s)
    • Copy of all the advertisements for recruitment of national employees;
    • Description of company activities
    • Statement of all existing local & foreign manpower with designation, salary, allowances & bonuses, nationality and the date of the first appointment.
    • Encashment certificate of inward remittance of USD 50,000 as initial establishment cost applicable to branch/liaison/representative office, locally incorporated, joint venture and 100% foreign ownership companies.
    • Up-to-date income tax clearance certificate of the organization
    • Letter of authorization by company management for submission of application
    • Additional information with proper document(s) (if any).

    Tel: +8809678771353

    • Copy of permission letter of branch/liaison/representative office OR Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation duly signed by the shareholders in case of locally-incorporated companies
    • Board resolution for engaging the foreign national(s)
    • Photograph of the expatriate
    • Copy of passport of the expatriate/employee with all arrival stamps & departure seals
    • Proper service contract/agreement for seeking E1 visa recommendation
    • Up-to-date income tax clearance certificate of the organization
    • Certificate of all academic qualification & professional experience of the expatriate(s)
    • L/C copy of the respective service.
    • Letter of authorization by company management for submission of application
    • Additional information with proper document(s) (if any)
    • Document/Certificate from vendor regarding the engagement of the expatriate in this task

    Tel: +8809678771353

    • Copy of the registration of industrial project with BIDA/Branch Office/Liaison Office/Representative Office
    • Copy of airline ticket
    • Copy of passport (including all the pages used so far)
    • A letter from the organization for the Visa On Arrival mentioning the purpose of the visit
    • Additional information with proper documents (if any)

    Tel: +8809678771353

  • Upon request BIDA issues recommendation for visa based on the following documents attested by the Managing Director/ Partner/ Proprietor of the company submitted through BIDA’s OSS portal:

    • For PI VISA:
      • An application on the company’s letterhead pad,
      • Copy of project registration certificate with BIDA for industrial undertaking,
      • Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association of the company,
      • Copy of Incorporation Certificate of the company,
      • Copy of trade license,
      • Copy of income tax certificate,
      • Passport-size photo of the expatriate
      • Photocopy of the expatriate’s full passport,
      • Board resolution for engaging the expatriate mentioning salary/ honorarium and other financial benefits,
      • Encashment certificate of inward remittance of minimum USD 50,000 as initial establishment cost for branch or liaison/ representative office, and locally incorporated company (if any).
    • E2/ E3 VISA:
      • Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association of the company,
      • Copy of incorporation certificate of the company,
      • Copy of trade license of the company
      • Copy of tax clearance certificate of the company/ branch office,
      • Passport-size photo of the expatriate,
      • Photocopy of the expatriate’s full passport,
      • Board resolution for employment of the expatriate, mentioning salary and other financial benefits and intended period of employment,
      • Copy of offer/ appointment letter, service contract, or transfer order of the expatriate,
      • Copy of all academic or professional experience certificate of the expatriate."
  • Business persons, who come to Bangladesh for business purpose (not as an employee) for a short period, may apply for ‘B (business)’ type VISA.

    • BIDA issues recommendation letter in favor of the citizens of the aforementioned countries and also to the citizens of the countries where there is no establishment of Bangladesh Embassy to visit Bangladesh for the purpose of investment, technology transfer, business expansion and/or trading.
    • The recommendation letter shall be presented at the immigration desk at the airport or at land port.
  • Foreign investors and business persons who visit Bangladesh for a short period could avail VISA on Arrival (VoA) at the airport for maximum 30 days.

    • According to the Security Services Division, the following countries are eligible for VoA (as of March 2019) are- USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, China, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, Nepal, UAE, Saudi Arab, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey, Brunei, Brazil, UK and EU countries.

Work Permit

    • Copy of permission letter for branch/liaison/representative office Memorandum & Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation duly signed by the shareholders in case of locally-incorporated Company
    • Letter of Authorization by Project Director/authorized official of Project Office
    • Board resolution regarding employment of foreign national(s) including salaries, allowances, honorarium & other benefits
    • Copy of passport with arrival stamp, E-type, E-I visa and PI-type visa (for investors)
    • Service contract/agreement and appointment letter/ transfer order in case of employee
    • Copies of all academic qualifications & certificate of professional certificate of the employee
    • Statement of all existing local & foreign manpower with designation, salary and allowances, nationality and date of the first appointment
    • Up-to-date income tax clearance certificate of the company
    • Encashment certificate of inward remittance of minimum USD 50,000 as initial establishment cost for branch/ liaison/ joint-venture and 100% foreign ownership company incorporation in Bangladesh
    • Visa Recommendation letter of the expatriate/investor
    • Letter of authorization signed by management of the company for submitting the application
    • Additional information with proper documents (if any)
    • List of local employees who will be trained up by the expatriate

Office Setup

    • Resolution by the company's Board of Directors regarding the opening of office in Bangladesh/ Details of Project/Copy of Agreement with EPC Contractor in case of Project Office. ]
    • Audited Accounts of the last financial year of the principal company.
    • Proposed organogram of the office showing the posts to be occupied by both expatriates and local personnel.
    • Detailed activities of the principal company
    • Name and nationality of the Directors/owners of the principal company
    • Memorandum and Articles of Association of the principal company
    • Certificate of Incorporation
    • Letter of authorization signed by company's management regarding the submission of application.
    • Additional information with proper documents (if any)
    • Details of activities to be performed through the proposed branch/liaison/representative office in Bangladesh and future plan in industrial revolution
    • NB: Documents shall have to be attested by the concerned Bangladesh mission/mission of the respective country in Bangladesh/ respective country’s apex business chamber (b) After submitting the application, hard copies of all documents should be submitted to BIDA’s Commercial wing

    BDT 25,000    -    16 Days    -    Online payment through BIDA One Stop Service (OSS)

    • Notification letter of Bangladesh Bank under Section-18(B) of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947
    • Latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate for the local office
    • Audited accounts of last financial year of the principal company
    • Resolution by the company's Board of Directors regarding the extension/renewal of office permission
    • Latest audit report of Bangladesh office
    • Statement of all existing local & foreign manpower with designation, salary and allowances, nationality and date of the first appointment
    • Up-to-date encashment certificate of inward remittance
    • Copy of the last office permission letter
    • Letter of authorization signed by company’s Management for submission of application
    • Additional information with proper documents (if any)
    • Details of activities to be performed through the proposed branch/liaison/representative office in Bangladesh and future plan in industrial revolution
    • N.B: (a) Documents must be submitted by an authorized person of the organization including the letter of authorization. (b) Application for renewal/extension to be submitted at least 2 months before the expiration of existing permission

    BDT 10,000    -     16 Days    -     Online payment through BIDA One Stop Service (OSS)

    • Copy of the office permission
    • Office rent agreement
    • Board resolution for changing the office address
    • Trade license (in case of locally incorporated company)
    • Register of Joint Stock Company’s form VI (in case of locally incorporated company)

    BDT 1,000    -     16 Days    -     Online payment through BIDA One Stop Service (OSS)

Investment Setup

  • For Limited Company (Foreign):

    • Apply to RJSC&F for Name Clearance
    • Open NRT Bank Account
    • apply to RJSC&F for Company Formation
    • Obtain TIN Certificate from NBR
    • Obtain Trade licence
    • Rent or Purchase space for setting up industry
    • Open Bank Account
    • Obtain BIDA’s registration
    • Obtain Fire Licence
    • Obtain Environment Clearance from DoE
    • Obtain approval of Lay out plan from DIFE
    • Obtain VAT registration from NBR
    • Apply for BIDA’s Recommendation
    • Obtain ad hoc IRC approval from BIDA
    • Import capital, mechinaries and raw materials

    For propreitorship & Partnership:

    • apply to RJSC&F for Name Clearance
    • Obtain TIN Certificate from NBR
    • Obtain Trade licence
    • Rent or Purchase space for setting up industry
    • Open Bank Account
    • Obtain BIDA’s registration
    • Obtain Fire Licence
    • Obtain Environment Clearance from DoE
    • Obtain approval of Lay out plan from DIFE
    • Obtain VAT registration from NBR
    • Apply for BIDA’s Recommendation
    • Obtain ad hoc IRC approval from BIDA
    • import capital, mechinaries and raw materials

Tax Exemption

    • Citizen Charter Commercial (Bangla)
    • Active pharmaceuticals ingredient and radio pharmaceuticals
    • Agriculture machineries
    • Aircraft heavy maintenance services including parts manufacturing
    • Artificial fiber/manmade fiber manufacturing
    • Automatic bricks
    • Automobile
    • Automobile parts & components manufacturing
    • Automation and robotic design manufacturing including parts & components thereof
    • Barrier contraceptive and rubber latex
    • Basic components of electronics (e.g. resistor, capacitor, transistor, integrated circuit, multilayer PCB etc.)
    • Bi-cycle including parts thereof
    • Bio-fertilizer
    • Biotechnology based agro products
    • Boiler including parts and equipment thereof
    • Compressor including parts thereof
    • Computer hardware
    • Electrical Transformer
    • Furniture
    • Home appliances (blender, rice cooker, microwave oven, electric oven, washing machine, induction cooker, water filter etc.)
    • Insecticides or pesticides
    • Leather and leather goods
    • LED TV
    • Locally produced fruits and vegetables processing;
    • Mobile phone
    • Nanotechnology based product manufacturing
    • Petro-chemicals
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Plastic recycling
    • Textile machinery
    • Tissue grafting
    • Toy manufacturing
    • Tyre manufacturing
  • Five-year tax exemption is offered to businesses located in Dhaka Division and Chattogram Division, but excluding the districts of Dhaka, Narayanganj, Gazipur, Chattogram, Rangamati, Bandarban and Khagrachari districts, the period of tax exemption is for five years, which will begin in the month of commencement of commercial production at the following rate:

    • For the first year 90% of income
    • For the second year 80% of income
    • For the third year 60% of income
    • For the fourth year 40% of income
    • For the fifth year 20% of income

    Ten-year tax exemption is offered to businesses located in Rajshahi Division, Khulna Division, Sylhet Division and Barisal Division, but excluding areas under the city corporations. Businesses that set up in the districts of Rangamati, Bandarban and Khagracchari also enjoy this tax holiday period. Period of Exemption Rate of Exemption:

    • For the first and second year 90% of income
    • For the third year 80% of income
    • For the fourth year 70% of income
    • For the fifth year 60% of income
    • For the six year 50% of income
    • For the seventh year 40% of income
    • For the eighth year 30% of income
    • For the ninth year 20% of income
    • For the tenth year 10% of income
  • No. The newly established investment projects who manufacture following products are eligible for corporate income tax exemption under Section 46BB of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1984:

    Active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and radio-pharmaceuticals, 2) Agricultural machinery, 3) Aircraft maintenance services including parts manufacturing, 4) Artificial intelligence (AI)-based system design and/or manufacturing, 5) Artificial or manmade fiber, 6) Automatic bricks, 7) Automation and robotics design and/or manufacturing including parts/ components thereof, 8) Automobile, 9) Automobile parts/ components, 10) Barrier contraceptive and rubber latex, 11) Basic components of electronics (resister, capacitor, transistor, integral circuit, multilayer PCB, etc.), 12) Bi-cycle including parts thereof, 13) Bio-fertilizer, 14) Biotechnology-based agro-products, 15) Boiler including parts and equipment thereof, 16) Compressor including parts thereof, 17) Computer hardware, 18) Electric transformer, 19) Furniture, 20) home appliances (blender, rice cooker, microwave/ electric oven, washing machine, induction cooker, water filter, etc.), 21) Insecticides and pesticides, 22) Leather/ leather goods, 23) LED TV, 24) Locally produced fruits and vegetables processing, 25) Mobile phone, 26) Nanotechnology- based products, 27) Petro-chemicals, 28) Pharmaceuticals, 29) Plastic recycling, 30) Textile machinery, 31) Tissue grafting, 32) Toys, 33) Tire. B. Conditions are applicable to be eligible for corporate income tax exemption. Which are:

    • Profits and gains of the eligible industrial undertakings shall qualify for the tax exemption.
    • Paid-up capital is not less than Tk. two million and 30% of the income exempted if invested in the same undertakings or in any new industrial undertakings during the period of exemp- Another 10% of the income exempted is invested in each year before the expiry of three months form the end of the income year in the purchase of shares of a company listed with any stock exchanges in Bangladesh.
    • The undertaking has to apply for the tax exemption within six months from the end of the month of commencement of commercial production. tion or within one year from the end of the exemption period.
  • New physical infrastructure undertakings (physical undertakings) established between 1 Jul. 2019 and 30 Jun. 2024 (and going into commercial operation within those dates) for the designated categories are entitled for income tax exemption in the following manner: Phased exemption for ten years with

    • 90% of income for the initial two years,
    • 80% for the third year,
    • 70% for the fourth year,
    • 60% for the fifth year
    • 50% for the sixth year,
    • 40% for the seventh year,
    • 30% for the eighth year,
    • 20% for the ninth year,
    • 10% for the last tenth year.
  • Income tax exemption shall be granted to the following types of investment proj- ects (registered with BIDA), namely:

    1. Newly established investment project (industrial undertakings),
    2. Newly established physical infrastructure (physical undertakings),
    3. Public Private Partnership (PPP) project,
    4. Private sector power generation (other than coal-based),
    5. Businesses of software development and information technology enabled services. Income tax exemptions are tied with condition, which are: i) Must registered with BIDA ii) Obtained certificate from NBR


    • Capital machineries are subject to reduced rate from customs duties.
    • Raw materials to be used for producing export goods are exempt from import duties.
  • Export-oriented industries (exporting more than 80% of their goods and services) regardless of their locations (i.e., within or outside EZ/ EZ) can benefit from the following privileges and facilities:

    • Eligible to be exempted from income tax for 50% earnings from export (unless paying tax at reduced rate)
    • No duty on export except for tobacco products
    • Bonded warehousing facilities
    • Duty drawback facilities
    • Exporters of certain sectors enjoy additional benefits in the form of a subsidy or cash incentive based on some conditions
  • New investment projects (industrial undertakings) established between 1 Jul. 2019 and 30 Jun. 2024 (and going into commercial operation within those dates) in the designated categories are entitled for CIT exemption in the following manner:

    • Phased exemption for 5 years to the industrial undertakings located in the divisions of Dhaka and Chattogram (excluding districts of Dhaka, Narayanganj, Gazipur, Chattogram, Rangamati, Bandarban and Khagrachari) with 90% of income for the first year, followed by 80% for the second year, 60% for the third year, 40% for the fourth year and 20% for the last fifth year;
    • Phased exemption for 10 years to the industrial undertakings located in the divisions of Rajshahi, Khulna, Syllet and Barishal (excluding areas under the city corporations) and in the districts of Rangamati, Khagrachari and Bandarban with 90% of income for the initial two years, followed by 80% for the third year, 70% for the fourth year, 60% for the fifth year, 50% for the sixth year, 40% for the seventh, 30% for the eighth year, 20% for the ninth year and 10% for the last tenth year.
  • The projects registered with BIDA can avail following tax related fiscal incentives:

    • Import duty exemption - 1% on capital machinery/ spares for export-oriented industries and allowed to import spare parts free of duty for up to 10% of the machinery value every two years.
    • 3% on capital machinery/ spares for other industries.
    • VAT is not payable for imported capital machinery/ spares. Accelerated depreciation - Possible for newly established industrial undertakings in lieu of tax exemption on factory, machinery/ plant, 50% for the 1st year, 30% for the 2nd year, and 20% for the 3rd year.
    • Initial depreciation allowance is also available on machinery/ plant.Other tax exemptions - On interest payable on foreign loans (under certain conditions).
    • On royalty, franchise, technical license/ know-how/ assistance fees to foreign entities.
    • On personal income tax up to three years for foreign technicians employed in industries specified in the Income Tax Ordinance,1984 etc. Companies located in EZs/ EPZs are entitled to different sets of incentive package of tax exemption.
  • The newly established companies are eligible for incentives offered by the Government of Bangladesh. But reinvestment or expanded industries are not eligible for such incentives. The incentives are as follows:

    But following conditions have to be met for enjoying those incentives:

    • The industry must be registered with BIDA/BEZA/BEPZA/EZ/EPZ for CIT exemption and import duty exemption,
    • Approval from National Board of Revenue for approval CIT exemption,
    • Approval from Office of the Chief Controller of Import and Export for import duty exemption.


    • Step 1 | Collecting the required Application Form from the City Corporation or Municipality Office.
    • Step 2 | Fill in the Trade License application form.
    • Step 3 | Arrange the copies of the required documents.
    • Step 4 | Submit the filled-in application form and required documents to the concerned office.
    • Step 5 | Verification of the application and supporting documents by the Licensing Supervisor.
    • Step 6 | Next, the Required fees shall be deposit at the concerned office.
    • Step 7 | If the Concerned Authority is satisfied after verification, it shall issue a Trade License Certificate to the applicant.
    • Step 8 | Collection of Trade License Certificate form the City Corporation/ Municipal Corporation.

    Required Documents for Obtaining General Trade License in Bangladesh

    • Prescribed Trade License Application Form
    • A National ID Card of the Owner
    • 3 Copies of the Passport Size Picture of the Owner
    • A Holding Tax Payment receipt
    • A company Incorporation Certificate
    • A certified copy of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
    • A VAT registration certificate.
    • Declaration on non-judicial stamp to abide by the rules and regulations of City Corporation/Municipality/Union Parishad
    • Copy of Financial/Bank Solvency Certificate of the company
    • Tax Clearance Certificate (TIN)
    • An Agreement of Partnership
    • Work Permit from Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)
    • Copy of Passport if the director is a foreigner."
  • Trade license is manually/digitally issued by the relevant local government offices such as City Corporation, Municipality or Union Parishad.

    A trade license from Dhaka South City Corporation is currently serviced through BIDA’s OSS Portal (

    Any form of company (trade organization, society, partnership firm) needs to be registered with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms (RJSC&F) according to the Companies Act 1994.

    Arrangement has been introduced to obtain incorporation certificate from BIDA’s OSS Platform in addition to RJSC&F (

  • The Step by Step Procedure for Obtaining Fire Licenses in Bangladesh:

    • First step is to Collect the application Form. The application Form shall be collected from the Dhaka Head Office of Fire Service and Civil Defense.
    • Then the application form shall be duly filled in.
    • Arrange the copies of the required documents.
    • Submit the filled in application form along with the supporting documents to the office of Fire Service and Civil Defense.
    • After that, an Inspection Officer form FSCD will inspect the factory area for inspecting the followings safety measures:
      • Availability of Fire-Fighting Equipment’s at the Establishment/Factory
      • Two exit stair cases at the factory
      • Facilities of entering the Fire Brigade Vehicle to enter into the spot
      • There should be enough space for load-unload facilities space goods of the factory building.
    • After the inspection is complete, a Demand Note is issued which states the amount of fee that needs to be paid by the applicant.
    • If there has been points of violation then a specific time is given to address these issues to the applicant.
    • Later, The Factory will be re inspected in order to check if the flagged violations have been addressed.
    • After all the above steps are complete, if FSDC is satisfied that the Factory fulfils the requirements of fire safety, it shall issue a Fire License to the applicant.
    • Obtain the Fire License Certificate.

    Required Documents for Obtaining fire Licenses in Bangladesh

    • Completely filled in prescribed application form
    • Attested Copy of original duly attested Trade License of the company.
    • Attested Copy of Company Incorporation Certificate.
    • Attested Copy of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Associations.
    • Copy of Financial/Bank Solvency Certificate of the establishment.
    • Tax Payers identification number (TIN).
    • Valuation Certificate from Municipality or relevant city corporation.
    • A No-Objection-Certificate from local representative. (If Plastic Industry)
    • Original copy of treasury challan or Demand note.
    • Deed of Agreement with rental receipt.
    • A Clearance Certificate from the FSCD Office.
    • 2 sets of layout plan of the establishment/factory/building authorized by RAJUK or City Corporation.
    • Completely filled in additional form (In case of garments factories).
  • The Steps for Obtaining Factory Establishment License (online) is mentioned below:

    • At First, Visit the Labour Inspection Management Application Website
    • From the Top Menu, proceed with ""Forms"" and then select “Form 77” (License Application)
    • Create a User ID and Password
    • Then Auto Login/Login to Lima Portal by providing the new User ID and Password
    • Fill up the application form by proving necessary information’s.
    • Attach the required attachments
    • Save draft or finalize the application
    • Submit the Application
    • The application is then reviewed by DIFE Licensing Authority
    • Depending on the type of industry the application is then sent to DIG/IG
    • DIG/IG will review the application and provide comments
    • If necessary, factory/Establishment shall be inspected and give assessment report on inspection
    • After all the assessment and verification if the Licensing Authority/DIG is satisfied then factory license shall be provided
    • Obtain the Factory License


    • At First, Visit the Website
    • Create a User ID by proving necessary information’s in the Registration form
    • In order to obtain a User ID and password to open an account, a phone number needs to be provided to the portal.
    • A code is sent to the number and this code shall be used to obtain User ID/Password.
    • Log-In with User ID/Password
    • Fill in the TIN Registration form by providing relevant information of the applicant/Company
    • Preview the submitted application.
    • Obtain E-TIN Certificate.

    Required Documents for TIN Certificates Manually in Bangladesh | Checklist

    • A Copy of Trade License
    • Company Incorporation Certificate
    • Copy of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association (If Company)
    • A Bank/Financial Solvency Certificate (If Company or Proprietorship)
    • Three copy of photograph of Owner (If Proprietorship)
    • Three copy of photograph of Managing Director (If Company)
    • Three copy of passport sized photograph (If Person)
    • National ID/ Passport copy of Entrepreneur
    • The time frame for obtaining E-Tin certificate is only 1 day.
    • Step 1 | Fill Up the Prescribed Form different industries and factories needs to identify which category they fall in to identify the required form that is needed to be filled.
    • Step 2 | Arrange the Documents: The respective forms that suits your category shall contain a checklist of the documents required for submitting along with the application. The hierarchy of the arrangement of the documents shall change from time to time, it is better to hire a business lawyer in Bangladesh to stay up to date.
    • Step 3 | Submit application along with the supporting documents to the Department of the Environment (DOE). You can submit the application, upon payment of the registration fees mentioned below.
    • Step 4 | Verification of Application and Supporting Documents by DOE. The documents needs to be verified by the DOE upon submission of the Documents, it may take a while, in this stage of the process it is important to do a liaison with the Department of Environment.
    • Step 5 | An Inspection Officer form the department will further inspect after verification of all the documents.
    • Step 6 | A meeting will be held by Environmental Clearance Committee (only for Orange-B and Red Category).
    • Step 7 | Decision will be taken at the meeting by the authority.
    • Step 8 | After all the above steps are complete, if DOE is satisfied then It shall issue an environmental clearance certificate.
  • The Step by Step Procedure for Obtaining Export Registration Certificate in Bangladesh

    • Step 1 | Firstly, from the CCIE office or website the applicant is required to collect the ERC application form.
    • Step 2 | Completely fill up the ERC application form
    • Step 3 | Arrange the copies of the required documents.
    • Step 4 | Submit the filled-in application form and required documents to the dispatch section of CCIE office.
    • Step 5 | Then the registration fee and cost of passbook shall be deposited at the Sonali or Bangladesh Bank
    • Step 6 | Next step is to collect 3 copies of Treasury Challan.
    • Step 7 | After verifying the submitted documents, CCIE shall issue the Export Registration Certificates or ERC and the passbook to the applicant.

    Required Documents for Obtaining Export Registration Certificate

    • Attested Copy of original duly attested Trade License of the company.
    • Valid Attested Copy of Chamber of Commerce Membership Certificate from relevant trade association.
    • A VAT registration certificate.
    • Attested Copy of Joint Registered Agreement.
    • Attested Copy of Company Incorporation Certificate (if Limited Company).
    • Attested Copy of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Associations.
    • Original copy of Treasury Challan.
    • Partnership Deed in case of Partnership business.
    • Copy of Financial/Bank Solvency Certificate of the company.
    • Tax Clearance Certificate (TIN) of previous year of the establishment.
    • An Office Rent Agreement.
    • Details regarding list of employees, their salary & nationality of the company.
    • Passport size photographs of the Managing Director/Entrepreneur.
    • Citizenship Certificate of the directors by the Word Commissioner.
    • National ID card of Managing Director of the company.
    • Passport Copy & Work permit is required if the director is a foreigner.
  • The Step by Step Procedure for Obtaining import Registration Certificate in Bangladesh

    • Step 1 | Firstly, from the CCIE office or website the applicant is required to collect the IRC application form.
    • Step 2 | Completely fill up the IRC application form
    • Step 3 | Arrange the copies of the required documents.
    • Step 4 | Submit the filled-in application form and required documents to the dispatch section of CCIE office.
    • Step 5 | Then the registration fee and cost of passbook shall be deposited at the Sonali or Bangladesh Bank
    • Step 6 | Next step is to collect 3 copies of Treasury Challan.
    • Step 7 | After verifying the submitted documents, CCIE shall issue the Import Registration Certificates or IRC and the passbook to the applicant.

    Required Documents for Obtaining Import Registration Certificate

    • Attested Copy of original duly attested Trade License of the company.
    • Valid Attested Copy of Chamber of Commerce Membership Certificate from relevant trade association.
    • A VAT registration certificate.
    • Attested Copy of Joint Registered Agreement.
    • Attested Copy of Company Incorporation Certificate (if Limited Company).
    • Attested Copy of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Associations.
    • Original copy of Treasury Challan.
    • Partnership Deed in case of Partnership business.
    • Copy of Financial/Bank Solvency Certificate of the company.
    • Tax Clearance Certificate (TIN) of previous year of the establishment.
    • An Office Rent Agreement.
    • Details regarding list of employees, their salary & nationality of the company.
    • Passport size photographs of the Managing Director/Entrepreneur.
    • Citizenship Certificate of the directors by the Word Commissioner.
    • National ID card of Managing Director of the company.
    • Passport Copy & Work permit is required if the director is a foreigner.

Company Registration

  • This is a guide which explains as to how to incorporate or register a company in Bangladesh. Company incorporation in Bangladesh comes in a different form and procedure as per the Companies Act 1994, under the act company registration procedure in Bangladesh differs depending on the types of company registration one may opt for in Bangladesh.

    In order to understand as to how to incorporate or register a Company in Bangladesh we first need to understand the types of company the you want to register or incorporate. It could be a troublesome process if the right and applicable company incorporation procedure in Bangladesh is not known to one. Therefore, this guide shall help to understand the step by step process of the company incorporation in Bangladesh. There are several acts and provisions attached with the procedure of company incorporation in Bangladesh. Company house in Bangladesh, which is know as Registrar of Joint Stock Companies (RJSC) is the regulatory body responsible for registration of Companies in Bangladesh. Followings shall give an understanding of what is the procedure and what may be required to have a company incorporated/registered in Bangladesh.

    As per the Companies Act 1994, there are mainly three types of companies:

    • Company limited by shares,
    • Company limited by guarantee; and
    • Company with unlimited liability.

    The most common form of company incorporation in Bangladesh is a registration of a company limited by shares. In order to register a Company in Bangladesh Companies Act 1994 does not provide the step by step procedure on how to set up a company as it is mainly dealt by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC), the Company House of Bangladesh. The step by step procedure of registering or incorporating a company in Bangladesh of a Private Limited Company. The following is the step by step procedure for incorporating or registering a company limited by shares in Bangladesh are detailed below:-

    • Step 1 - Obtaining Name Clearance for registering a Company in Bangladesh:
      Obtaining the name clearance is the first step of company registration in Bangladesh. You must chose a suitable business name for your company before proceeding with the registration of the name. It must not correspond with an existing name or any other names that it is so similar with an existing name when the scope of business of the proposed company and the existing company cannot be distinguished.
      One has to visit the website of RJSC name clearance portal which is .
      After entering the Portal, you shall have to signup with an email address and other information such as your name and the desired purpose.
      Upon signing up on the portal, you must search for your desired name, and if no such name exist you can apply to obtain for the name clearance.
      Name Clearance Portal RJSC | Company Incorporation in Bangladesh
      Once you have made the online application, you shall require to pay a fees of BDT 500 to BDT 1000, since the fees sometimes changes in a form of a bank Challan to the selected Bank by RJSC.
      After making the Challan you must update the information to the RJSC portal and they shall notify within 24 to 48 hours whether the name has been successfully obtained.
      After completion of obtaining the name clearance, please note that the as per the latest policy of RJSC, one must have to incorporate or register the company in Bangladesh within a time of 1 month, otherwise the name clearance shall be required to be renewed or a new name clearance has to be obtained.
    • Step 2 - Documentation | Company Registration in Bangladesh:
      The following documents would be required to be submitted to RJSC for their verification:
      Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) of the company; this two documents together forms the constitution of the Company in Bangladesh and it is recommended that you must hire a business or company lawyer in Bangladesh who is an expert in company laws, otherwise there you may end up restricting your business to some or no scope. MOA and AOA forms the most vital segment of your company incorporation procedure in Bangladesh, hence, be very careful as to how to form the constitution of the company.
      Promoters resolution to open a Company in Bangladesh; this document outlines the intentions of forming a company in Bangladesh. It is mainly required when a foreign company is a shareholder of the proposed company in Bangladesh.
      Obtaining and executing the following forms for registering the company in Bangladesh with RJSC:
      • Filled in Form I: Declaration on registration of Company;
      • Filled in Form VI: Notice of situation of registered office;
      • Filled in Form IX: Consent of director to act;
      • Filled in Form X: List of persons consenting to be directors;
      • Filled in Form XII: Particulars of the directors, manager and managing agents.
      • Form XII | Company Incorporation Procedure in Bangladesh
    • Step 3 - Banking Formalities
      If it is a foreign company willing to register as a shareholder of the company in Bangladesh, the procedure of the company registration in Bangladesh adds a new clause in it. It is ordained by the laws of Bangladesh and the guideline given by RJSC, the foreign company, must pay its shareholding amount in the proposed Bangladeshi company.
      In order to bring the foreign shareholding amount, you will require to open up a temporary bank account through submitting the following documents to the respective banks, which as follows:
      • Draft copy of your MOA and AOA.
      • Name Clearance.
      • Board Resolutions of the foreign company.
      • Passports copies of the representative shareholders along with the bank account opening forms.
      • Other document which the respective bank may request from time to time.
      • After successfully opening the bank account and injecting the share capital ammount, you must abtain an ""Encashment Certificate"" from the bank which states that the amount required for capital contribution has been duly remitted in the temporary bank account of the proposed company.
    • Step 4 - Registration | Company Incorporation in Bangladesh:
      In order to register the company with the RJSC, registration fee and stamp duty has to be paid in the prescribed bank of RJSC;
      Such government fee shall be determined based on the authorized share capital of the proposed company;
      Upon successful completion of all the formalities, a certificate of incorporation has to be obtained from the RJSC.

    Post Company Registration Formalities in Bangladesh

    • Firstly, Post Company registration formalities in Bangladesh includes obtaining the following certificates/licenses:
      • Tax Identification Number;
      • Value Added Tax (VAT) Certificate;
      • Trade License;
    • Secondly, return filings of the company in Bangladesh. Registered entities are under an obligation to file returns in prescribed forms and schedules, and the RJSC upon satisfaction approves and preserves such records. There are two types of returns:
      • a) Annual Return: Every year the company must submit the following documents to the RJSC-
        • Schedule X: It is an annual summary of share capital and list of shareholders; S.36;
        • Balance Sheet within 30 days from the date of Annual General Meeting (AGM);
        • Profit and Loss Account within 30 days from the date of AGM;
        • Form 23B: It is a letter of approval by the auditor to be submitted within 30 days since the date of appointment.
      • b) Return for any change in entity: In case of any change made in the company, a relevant return in prescribed form must be filed with the RJSC.
  • Registration fee for local, foreign and joint venture industry is same.

    Registration fee varies from BDT 5,000 to 100,000 depending on the amount of proposed investment (as indicated below). Amount of fee Up to BTD 100 million BDT 5,000/- BDT 100 million - 250 million BDT 10,000/- BDT 250 million - 500 million BDT 25,000/- BDT 500 million - 1,000 million BDT 50,000/- Over BDT 1,000 million BDT 100,000/- 15% VAT is applicable on the amount of fee.

Export/Import Procedure

  • Before starting the RMG export business, a manufacturer cum exporter has to collect some documents which will widely use in executing export/import order. They are;
    • Trade License
    • TIN License
    • VAT License
    • Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association /Partnership Agreement
    • Certificate of Incorporation
    • Rent Agreement or Ownership proof
    • Holding Tax payment receipt
    • NoC declaration from the Local Authority
    • Bank Account and Solvency Certificate
    • Fire Service License
    • Environment Clearance Certificate
    • Membership Certificate from incumbent Association/Chamber.
    • Group insurance for the workers employed in the factory
    • Approved Building layout plan and structural design from concerned govt. authority
    • Export Registration Certificate (ERC)/ Import Registration Certificate (IRC)
    • Process flowchart of Exporting product

    Export order is a document from any specific foreign buyer to purchase items from the exporter. It would indicate the exporter’s Pro-forma invoice/quotation number and issuing date, including item, quantity, price, delivery date, shipping marks, insurance, payment terms etc. Before acceptance, the export orders should be scrutinized in all aspects. The following documents are commonly used in exporting.

    • Pro-Forma Invoice
    • Bill of lading
    • Commercial invoice
    • Certificate of origin
    • Inspection certification
    • Dock receipt and warehouse receipt
    • Destination control statement
    • Insurance certificate
    • Export license (ERC)
    • Export packing list

    The process of exporting product starts after communicating with buyers. In this case, we will discuss the process covering the RMG product. In general, an exporter exports his product following these ten steps.

    • Step -1: Communicating with Buyer
      The starting point for any Export Transaction is an inquiry. An inquiry for the product should, inter alia, specify the following details or provide the following data.
      Size details of products – Std. or oversize or undersize, Drawing – if available, Sample – if possible, Quantity required, Delivery schedule.
      Mode of Dispatch – Sea, air or Sea/air. Mode of Packing.
      Price requirement on FOB or C & F or CIF basis
      Terms of Payment which would be acceptable to both end of Buyer and exporter; buyer or exporter can propose to open Letter of Credit or any specific valid transaction process which is to be compiled from both ends.
      Any requirement of Pre-shipment inspection if needed and then specify agency.
      Any Certificate of Origin required – If so, from which agency.
      Or any other requirements.
    • Step -2: Pro-forma Invoice (P I) Generation
      In the second step of exporting, Manufacturer Exporter or Merchant Exporter will study the inquiry in details and forward the related query to the incumbent persons to gather the answers. After that, he will provide a Pro forma Invoice to the Buyer as per the demand of buyers.
      A sample of pro forma invoice has been attached in annexed for your better perception.
    • Step -3: Order placement and Acceptance
      If the offer is acceptable to the Buyer in terms of price, delivery and payment, the Buyer will then place an order to the Exporter, giving as much data as possible in terms of specifications, quantity etc.
      Under international business transaction mode, both exporter and importer define their roles and responsibilities to each other with sales contracts. A sale contract is a legal binding document for both parties. In practice, a small volume of international sales is handled by Pro-forma invoices whereas medium size sales are covered under sale contracts. Big volume of sale contracts should be written by lawyers. In addition to the volume of the trade transaction, the duration of the business is another point of consideration when deciding to use a Pro-forma invoice or sale contract. If the business transaction will be completed over a while such as 1 year or more than that period, sale contracts should be preferred instead of Pro-forma invoices.
      At this stage, the exporter requests the importer to open an irrevocable letter of credit (L/C) in favor of an exporter in a nominated scheduled bank.
      After getting the L/C confirmation, Exporter immediately acknowledges receipt of the order, giving a schedule for the delivery committed.
    • Step – 4: Goods readiness & documentation
      Once the buyer accepts the offer and places an order, the marketing merchandiser schedules a production plan and also trace the status of production. In the meantime, approving sample from the buyer and also maintaining the quality is mandatory. After that, when goods are ready and duly packed in Export worthy cases/cartons (depending upon the mode of dispatch), the commercial Invoice is prepared by the Exporter. A sample of the commercial invoice has been attached in annexed 2 of this book.
      If the number of packages is more than one, a packing list is a must.
    • Step – 5: Documents for C & F agent
      Exporting any products through the valid channels, exporters may need to handle a large number of documents depending on the requirements of both exporter’s government and the government of the importing country.
      In such a situation, most of the exporters seriously consider having the clearing and forwarding (C&F) agent to handle the formidable amount of documentation that exporting requires since C&F agents are specialists in this process. The C&F agent should be a reputed firm with experience in handling export/import cargo. If the goods are to be exported by sea, the C&F agent should have branches in the major ports like Chattogram and Mongla.
      Thus, the exporter will hand over the following documents to the C&F agent for forwarding the export goods to shipping agent through customs. Necessary papers related to C&F agents and exporter are;
      • Commercial Invoice and Packing List.
      • Export Manifesto.
      • Copy of Letter of Credit
      • Packing List.
      • Certificate of Origin and Export Registration Certificate
      • Under the claim of Drawback of duty.
      • Export Form
      • Any other declarations or documents as required by Customs.
      • Bill of Export will be generated by the Customs based on the above documents.
    • Step – 6: Customs Clearance
      C&F agent presents the required documents to the customs for letting the consignment to export. After assessment of the shipping bill and examination of the cargo by Customs (where required), the export consignments are permitted by Customs for ultimate Export. This is what the concerned Customs officials call the ‘LET EXPORT’ endorsement on the shipping bill.
    • Step – 7: Document Forwarding
      After completing the shipment formalities, the C&F Agents are expected to forward to the Exporter the following documents:
      • Customs signed Export Invoice & Packing List.
      • Duplicate of Form Export Manifesto.
      • Exchange control copy of the Shipping Bill / Bill of Export.
      • Bill of Lading or Airway bill, as the case may be.
    • Step – 8: Bills negotiation
      The Exporter will have to negotiate the relevant export bill through authorized dealers of Central Bank, viz., Banks with these authenticated shipping documents as payments terms mentioned in the L/C.
      Broadly, payment terms can be:
      • DP Terms (Documents Against Payment)
      • DA Terms (Documents Against Acceptance)
      • Letter of Credit, payable at sight or payable at… days.
      • Under the Generalized System of Preference (GSP), imports from developing countries enjoy certain duty concessions, for which the exporters in the developing countries are expected to furnish the GSP Certificate of Origin to the Bankers, along with other shipping documents.
    • Step – 9: Bank to bank documents forwarding
      The negotiating Bank will scrutinize the shipping documents and forward those to the importer’s bank. After receiving these documents, importers bank will hand over these documents to the importers as per negotiation for clearing the consignment.
      It is expected of such authorized dealers of Central Bank to ensure receipt of export proceeds.
    • Step – 10: Receipt of Bank certificate
      Authorized dealers will issue Bank Certificates to the exporter, once the payment is received and only with the issuance of the Bank Certificate, the export transaction becomes complete.
      It is mandatory on the part of the Exporters to negotiate the shipping documents only through authorized dealers of Central Bank, as only through such a system Central Bank can ensure receipt of export proceeds for goods shipped out of this country.
  • Documents for IRC

    An importer having Import Registration Certificate (IRC) can Import any permissible item without any value and quantity restrictions and without obtaining any permission from any authority. Before importing any product, importers should have permission which is known as Import Registration Certificate (IRC). One has to submit the following documents with the application form for getting an import registration certificate (IRC).

    • Trade License
    • Membership Certificate from recognized Chamber/Trade Association;
    • Tax Identification Number
    • Bank solvency Certificate;
    • Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation (in case of Limited Company).
    • Fee for IRC
    • Procedure to open an L/C (Letter of Credit)

    Among the different paying method, letter of credit (L/C) is one of the safe methods. Nowadays, an importer is requested by an exporter to open an L/C in favor of the exporter for importing any goods. Thus, importers have to submit the following documents to the lien bank to open an L/C.

    • Letter of Credit application form
    • Letter of Credit Authorization Form
    • IMP form
    • Contract form
    • Charge Document
    • Guarantee Form
    • Import Registration Certificate (IRC)
    • Membership Certificate
    • Insurance Cover Note and Receipt of Premium
    • Copy of Indent /Pro Forma Invoice
    • Tax Identification Number Certificate
    • Trade License
    • VAT Certificate
    • Open up Back to Back L/C

    Back to Back L/C is needed to open up when exporters who are out of the capital for sourcing raw materials to manufacture final export products. Through this Back to Back L/C, Exporters are enabled to get finance to purchase raw materials, manufacture, process and packing items to produce final export products.

    Following documents are needed to open a Back to Back L/C

    • Original Copy of Letter of Credit (Master L/C)
    • A valid license of Bonded Warehouse
    • Permit certificate from the Department of Textile
    • Certificate of Incorporation in case of Limited Company.
    • Letter of a Credit application
    • Import Permission (IMP form)
    • PI form/ Indent form
    • Insurance Cover note with money receipt.
    • Filled and signed L/C form
    • CIB Report
    • Trade License
    • Valid IRC and ERC
    • Member Certificate of Related Association
    • TIN

    Steps involve in importing product

    • (i) Trade Inquiry

      The first stage in an import transaction, like any other transaction of purchase and sale, relates to making trade inquiries. An inquiry is a written request from the intending buyer or his agent for information regarding the price and the terms on which the exporter will be able to supply goods.

      The importer should mention in the inquiry all the details, such as; the goods required, their description, catalog number or grade, size, weight and the quantity required. Similarly, the time and method of delivery, method of packing, terms and conditions regarding payment should also be indicated.

      In reply to this inquiry, the importer will receive a quotation from the exporter which is generally known as Pro-forma Invoice (PI). The quotation contains the details as to the goods available, their quality etc., the price at which the goods will be supplied and the terms and conditions of the sale.

    • (ii) Sourcing Finance to open import L/C

      After obtaining the license (or quota, in case of an established importer), the importer has to arrange for obtaining necessary foreign exchange since the importer has to make payment for the imports in the currency of the exporting country.

      The foreign exchange reserves in many countries are controlled by the Government and are released through its central bank. For this, the importer has to submit an application in the prescribed form along-with the import license to any exchange bank as per the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Control Act and foreign exchange guideline.

      The importer gets the necessary foreign exchange from the exchange bank concerned. It is to be noted that, whereas import license is issued for a particular period, the exchange is released only for a specific transaction.

    • (iii) Placing the Indent or Order through dispatching L/C:

      After the initial formalities are over and the importer has obtained the necessary amount of foreign exchange, the next step in the import of goods is that of placing the order. This order is known as Indent. An indent is an order placed by an importer with an exporter for the supply of certain goods.

      It contains the instructions from the importer as to the quantity and quality of goods required, method of forwarding them, nature of packing, mode of settling payment and the price etc. An indent is usually prepared in duplicate or triplicate.

      Generally, foreign traders are not acquainted with each other and so the exporter before shipping the goods wants to be sure about the creditworthiness of the importer. The exporter wants to be sure that there is no risk of non-payment. Usually, for this purpose, he asks the importers to send a letter of credit to him.

      A letter of credit, popularly known as ‘L/C or ‘L.C is an undertaking by its issuer (usually importer’s bank) that the bills of exchange drawn by the foreign dealer, on the importer will be honored on presentation up to a specified amount.

    • (iv) Obtaining Necessary Documents:

      After dispatching a letter of credit, the importer has not to do much. On receipt of the letter of credit, the exporter arranges for the shipment of goods and sends Advice Note to the importer immediately after the shipment of goods. An Advice Note is a document sent to a purchaser of goods to inform him that goods have been dispatched. It may also indicate the probable date on which the ship is expected to reach the port of destination.

      The exporter then draws a bill of exchange on the importer for the invoice value of goods. The shipping documents such as the bill of lading, invoice, insurance policy, certificate of origin, consumer invoice etc., are also attached to the bill of exchange. Such a bill of exchange with all these attached documents is called Documentary Bill. Documentary bill of exchange is forwarded to the importer through a foreign exchange bank which has a branch or an agent in the importer’s country for collecting the payment of the bill.

      There are two types of documentary bills:

      • (a) D/P, D.P. (or Documents against payment) bills.
      • (b) D/A, D.A. (or Document against acceptance) bills.

      If the bill of exchange is a D/P bill, then the documents of title of goods are delivered to the drawee (i.e., importer) only on the payment of the bill in full. D/P bill may be sight bill or usance bill. In case of sight bill, the payment has to be made immediately on the presentation of the bill. But usually, a grace period of 24 hours is granted.

      Usance bill is to be paid within a particular period after sight. If the bill is a D/A bill, then the documents of title of goods are released to the drawee on his acceptance of the bill and it is retained by the banker till the date of maturity. Usually, 30 to 90 days are provided for the payment of the bill.

    • (vii) Customs Formalities and Clearing of Goods:

      After receiving the documents of title of the goods, the importer’s only concern is to take delivery of the goods, when the ship arrives at the port and to bring them to his place of business. The importer has to comply with many formalities for taking delivery of goods. Unless the following mentioned formalities are complied with, the goods lie in the custody of the Custom House.

      • (a) To obtain an endorsement for delivery or delivery order:
        When the ship carrying the goods arrives at the port, the importer, first of all, has to obtain the endorsement on the back of the bill of lading by the shipping company. Sometimes the shipping company, instead of endorsing the bill in his favor, issues a delivery order to him. This endorsement of the delivery order will entitle the importer to take the delivery of the goods.
        The shipping company makes this endorsement or issues the delivery order only after the payment of freight. If the exporter has not paid the freight, i.e., when the bill of lading, is marked freight forward, the importer has to pay the freight to get a green signal for the delivery of goods.
      • (b) To pay Dock dues and obtain Port Trust Dues Receipts:
        The importer has to submit two copies of a form known as ‘Application to import’ duly filled into the ‘Lading and Shipping Dues Office’. This office levies a charge on all imported goods for services rendered by the dock authorities in connection with the lading of goods. After paying the necessary charges, the importer receives back one copy of the application to import as a receipt ‘Port Trust Dues Receipt’.
      • (c) Bill of Entry:
        The importer will then fill in a form called Bill of Entry. This is a form supplied by the customs office and is to be filled in triplicate. The bill of the entry contains the particulars regarding the name and address of the importer, the name of the ship, packages number, marks, quantity, value, description of goods, the name of the country where from goods have been imported and custom duty payable.
      • (d) Bill of Sight:
        If the importer is not in a position to supply the detailed particulars of goods because of the insufficiency of information supplied to him by the exporter, he has to prepare a statement called a bill of sight. The bill of sight contains only the information possessed by the importer along-with a remark that he is not in a position to give complete information about the goods. The bill of sight enables him to open the package and examine the goods in the presence of a customs officer to complete the bill of entry.
      • (e) To pay Customs or Import Duty:
        There are three types of imported goods:
        • (i) Non-dutiable or free goods,
        • (ii) Goods which are to be sold within the country or which are for home consumption, and
        • (iii) Re-exportable goods i.e. goods meant for re-export. If the goods are duty-free, no import duty is to be paid at the customs office.
        Custom authorities will permit the delivery of such goods after the usual examination of the goods. But if the goods are liable for duty, the importer has to pay custom or import duty which may be based on weight or measurement of goods, called Specific Duty or on the value of imported goods Ad-valorem Duty.
        There are three types of import duties. On some goods, quite low duties are levied and they are called revenue duties. On some others, quite high duties are charged to give protection to home industries against foreign competition. While goods imported from certain nations are given preferential treatment for the levy of import duties and in their case full protective duties are not charged.
      • (f) Bonded and Duty paid Warehouses:
        The port and customs authorities maintain two types of warehouses-Bonded and Duty paid. These warehouses are situated near the dock and are very useful to importers who do not have godown of their own to store the imported goods or who, for business reasons, do not wish to carry them to their godowns.
        The goods on which the duty has already been paid by the importer can be kept in the duty paid warehouses for which a receipt called ‘warehouse receipt’ is issued to him. This receipt is a document of title and is transferable. The bonded warehouses are meant for goods on which duty has been paid by the importer. If the importer cannot pay the duty, he may keep the goods in Bonded warehouses for which he has issued a receipt, called ‘Dock Warrant’. Dock Warrant, also like warehouses receipt, is a document of title and is transferable.
        The bonded warehouses are used by the importer when:
        • (i) He has no godown of his own.
        • (ii) He cannot pay the duty immediately.
        • (iii) He wants to re-export the goods and thereby does not want to pay the duty.
        • (iv) He wants to pay the duty in instalments.
        A nominal rent is charged for the use of these warehouses. One special advantage of these warehouses is that the importer can sell the goods and transfer the title of goods merely by endorsing warehouse receipt or dock-warrant. This will save the importer from the trouble and expenses of carrying the goods from the warehouses to his godown.
      • (g) Appointment of clearing Agents:
        By now we understand that the importer has to fulfill many legal formalities before he can take delivery of goods. The importer may take the delivery of the goods himself at the port. But it involves much of time, expenses and difficulties. Thus, to save himself from botheration of complying with all the complicated formalities, the importer may appoint clearing agents for taking the delivery of the goods for him. Clearing agents are the specialized persons engaged in the work of performing various formalities required for taking the delivery of goods on behalf of others. They charge some remuneration on performing these valuable services.
      • (h) Making the Payment:
        The mode and time of making payments are determined according to the terms and conditions as agreed to earlier between the importer and the exporter. In case of a D/P bill, the documents of title are released to the importer only on the payment of the bill in full. If the bill is a D/A bill, the documents of title of the goods are released to the importer on his acceptance of the bill. The bill is retained by the banker till the date of maturity. Usually, 30 to 90 days are allowed to the importer for making the payment of such bills.
      • (I) Closing the Transactions:
        The last step in the import trade procedure is closing the transaction. If the goods are to the satisfaction of the importer, the transaction is closed. But if he is not satisfied with the quality of goods or if there is any shortage, he will write to the exporter and settle the matter. In case the goods have been damaged in transit, he will claim compensation from the insurance company. The insurance company will pay him the compensation under advice to the exporter.

Custom Clearance

  • According to the Prescribed Bill of Entry and Bill of Export Form Order, 2001 issued by the NBR, following documents are to be enclosed (for all export consignments) with the Bill of Export for customs clearance:

    • Export L/C; if there is no export L/C, Export Contract or Purchase Order or Export Guarantee approved by the negotiating bank.
    • Commercial invoice containing detailed description of goods and signed by the exporter.
    • Packing list containing quantity, weight and packing information.
    • EXP form certified by Authorized Dealers (ADs) to ensure the realization of export proceeds.
    • Certificate of Origin of export goods (issued by EPB or Chamber of Commerce and Industry).
    • VAT registration certificate.
    • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) issued by Income Tax Department under the NBR.
    • For some categories, product-wise additional certification/documents are necessary for export.

    Some of them include:

    1. ERC for jute, jute goods and tea.
    2. Consignment wise export permit issued by the Bangladesh Tea Board for export of tea.
    3. Approval of the Ministry of Industries in the case of export of Urea fertilizer produced in all factories except KAFCO.
    4. ‘No objection certificate’ from the Ministry of Information in the case of export of entertainment programs, music, drama, films, documentary films etc. in the form of audio cassettes, video cassettes, CDs, DVDs etc.
    5. Utilization Declaration for export of RMG under bonded warehouse or Utilization Permission for export of other goods under bonded warehouse.
    6. Phytosanitary certificate for agricultural goods (such as vegetables, corns etc.) as per the requirement of the country of export (issued by the Plant Protection Wing of the Department of Agriculture Extension).
    7. Quality control certificate in case of export of products for which such certificate is obligatory (e.g. quality control certificate by the Department of Fisheries is necessary as per the requirements of the country of destination for frozen fish).
    8. NOC from the CCI&E and Bangladesh Bank to allow exports on a export-cum-import or returnable basis.
    9. Bank guarantee equaling the value of goods to be exported on a export-cum-import or returnable basis.

    Once the export declaration is approved by the Customs authority after documentary check and physical verification of export consignments, exportable goods are loaded into containers and stuffed into the ship/aircraft/truck. Export is complete once the ship/truck/airlines leaves the port, and customs officer in charge (PO-on-Board/gate division officer in charge) signs on the back of the 2nd copy of the shipping bill (as ‘shipped on board’). It is to be noted that where goods are loaded into containers at the private ICDs/exporters’ premises, gate division officer may check the goods before it proceeds to the port area.

  • The Prescribed Bill of Entry and Bill of Export Form Order, 2001 issued by the NBR outlines the documentary submission requirements. For release of goods from Customs, following documents need to be submitted along with the declaration for all types of imports:

    • Letter of Credit (L/C).
    • Invoice
    • Bill of Lading/AWB/Truck Receipt/Railway Receipt
    • Packing List
    • “Country of Origin” Certificate (except coal and export oriented garments industries)
    • Insurance policy/cover note
    • VAT/BIN Certificate

    Following additional documents are required for different types of goods, such as:

    • BDS standard will be mandatory for clearence of 55 items, and in case where no certificate from and accredited laboratory from the exporting country is available, a certificate from the BSTI is necessary, as per Import Policy Order, 2015-2018 Para 26(28). Radioactivity test report from the concerned authority of the exporting country for food items (Import Policy Order, 2015-2018 Para 16). Clearance certificate(s) from the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission for food items to the effect that the radioactivity level found in the imported food-stuff is within the acceptable limit (Import Policy Order, 2015-2018 Para 16(9)). Pre-shipment Inspection test report for milk food products and powder milk, coal and hard coke, Break Acrylic (HS 39.15 and 3915.90), M.S. Billets (7207) and for items where the value of a single item authorized for import by public sector agencies is Taka fifty lac or above. Approval letter of the Chief Inspector of Explosives of the Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources for import of explosives (Import Policy Order, 2015-2018 Para 26(1)). Copy of intellectual property certificate (by the IPR holder of the exporting country) in the case of import of branded goods registered under any law related to IP in Bangladesh [Para 5(6)(c) of Import Policy Order, 2015-18] Onc the duties and taxes are assessed by Customs, the importer (or his C&F agent) pays duties and taxes. On payment of duties and taxes assessed, Customs issues release order for clearance and after completion of port formalities, goods are cleared.
    • Samples valued up to US $100 and weighing up to 5 kg is cleared (through manual system) same-day (in Dhaka Air freight) if the consignee authorizes duty and tax to be billed to the shipper on the Air Waybill. Samples valued over US $100 and weighing more than 5 kg will require formal clearance through ASYCUDA WORLD system.
    • It is to be noted that for the customs clearance of imported animals, plants and plant products, quarantine conditions (such as certification from quarantine department, fumigation etc.) shall have to be observed. As per Import Policy Order, 2015-2018 Para 26(60), fumigation is mandatory in case of import of raw cotton produced and packed in Western Hemisphere.
    • If an import consignment is not cleared within 21 days (of the date of unloading at a Customs airport) or 30 days (of the date of unloading at a customs-port or a land customs station or customs-inland container depot), or within the extended time as the appropriate officer may allow, the consignment may be disposed of through auction [Section 82 of the Customs Act 1969].
    • In cases, where it is not possible immediately to assess customs duty that may be payable on any imported goods for the reason that the goods require chemical or other test or a further enquiry for purposes of assessment, or that all the documents or complete documents or full information pertaining to those goods have not been furnished, Customs authority may assess the consignment provisionally. In such cases, the importer (except goods entered for warehousing) needs to furnish unconditional bank guarantee/security deposit of an amount (as deemed sufficient by Customs) from a scheduled bank for the payment of the excess amount of duty that may be payable after the final assessment. In this case, the final assessment has to be completed within a period of 120 working days from the date of provisional assessment.

Priority / Restricted Sectors

  • National Industry Policy (NIP) (2016) defines the controlled and reserved industries.

    For Controlled Industries: A proposed investor has to obtain ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC)’ from concerned ministry/division prior to register with BIDA/BEZA/Hi-Tech Park/BEPZA.

    For Restricted/Reserved Industries : Private industries are not allowed to invest in reserved/restricted industry. Controlled industry 1) Deep sea fishing, 2) Bank/ finance, 3) Insurance, 4) Generation, supply and distribution of power, 5) Exploration, extraction and supply of natural gas/ oil, 6) Exploration, extraction and supply of coal, 7) Exploration, extraction and supply of other mineral resources, 8) Large- scale infrastructure (e.g. flyover, expressway, monorail, economic zone), 9) Crude oil refinery (recycling/ refining of lube oil as fuel), 10) Medium and large industries using natural gas/ condescend and other minerals as raw material, 11) Telecommunication (mobile/ cellular and land phone), 12) Satellite channel, 13) Cargo/ passenger aviation, 14) Sea bound ship transport, 15) Sea-port/ deep sea-port, 16) VOIP/ IP telephony, 17) Industries using heavy minerals accumulated from sea beach, 18) Explosive production, 19) Acid production, 20) Chemicals, 21) All kinds of sludge and fertilizer made from sludge, 22) Stone crashing. Reserved industry 1) Arms, ammunitions, and other military equipment/ machinery, 2) Nuclear power, 3) Security printing and minting

  • The National Industry Policy (NIP) (2016) designates the priority industries as follow: High priority sectors 1) Agriculture, food processing and agricultural tool, 2) Ready-made garment, 3) ICT/ software, 4) Pharmaceuticals, 5) Leather and leather product, 6) Light engineering, 7) Jute and jute product. Priority sectors 1) Plastic, 2) Overseas employment (manpower export), 3) Shipbuilding, 4) Environment-friendly ship recycling, 5) Tourism, 6) Frozen fish, 7) Home textiles, 8) Renewable energy (solar power, windmill), 9) Active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and radio pharmaceuticals, 10) Herbal medicine, 11) Radio-active (diffusion) application industry (e.g. developing quality/ decaying polymer, preservation of food, disinfecting medicinal equipment), 12) Polymer product, 13) Hospital and clinic, 14) Automobile manufacturing and servicing, 15) Handicraft and cottage industries, 16) Energy efficient appliances, electronic goods, electronic materials, 17) Tea, 18) Seeds, 19) Jewelry, 20) Toys, 21) Cosmetics and toiletries, 22) Agar, 23) Furniture, 24) Cement.

Foreign Borrowing

    • Previously interest-free short-term borrowing from parent/affiliate companies are al- lowed.
    • Manufacturing industries are still allowed to avail the interest-free loans (one year) from overseas parent/ affiliate companies if urgently necessary.

    Foreign owned industrial enterprises (engaged in manufacturing activities) are allowed to avail short-term foreign loans to fund working capital from overseas parent/ affiliate companies for maximum three years from the date of inception of manufacturing operation on conditions:

    • Interest shall be payable in local currency (Taka) at the prevailing three-month Taka term deposit rate applicable by each authorized dealer (AD) bank,
    • Repayment of principal and interest upon maturity shall be repatriated by converting local currency to the currency of loan-sourced country at the prevailing exchange rate. Further relaxation has been brought through the Foreign Exchange Circular No.4 (19 Jan. 2021) of Bangladesh Bank. The relaxation is applicable to:
    • In addition to manufacturing industries, the short-term borrowing can be accessible by foreign owned companies engaged in service activities (except trading business),
    • Such short-term borrowings can be admissible in convertible foreign currencies maximum for six years from the date of inception of manufacturing/ service activities.
    • Borrowing companies may pay interest maximum at the rate of 3.0% per annum.
    • Prior approval by Bangladesh Bank is not required neither for receipt nor to repay the loan. But borrowing companies have to report about obtaining and repaying the loan.

  • Borrowing companies have to keep debt: equity ratio at 70:30 except power generating companies. Power generating companies are allowed to keep debt: equity ratio at 80:20.

  • How the investors can access to the short-term foreign loans? • Previously interest-free short-term borrowing from parent/affiliate companies are al- lowed. • Manufacturing industries are still allowed to avail the interest-free loans (one year) from overseas parent/ affiliate companies if urgently necessary.

    Foreign owned industrial enterprises (engaged in manufacturing activities) are allowed to avail short-term foreign loans to fund working capital from overseas parent/ affiliate companies for maximum three years from the date of inception of manufacturing operation on conditions:

    • Interest shall be payable in local currency (Taka) at the prevailing three-month Taka term deposit rate applicable by each authorized dealer (AD) bank,
    • Repayment of principal and interest upon maturity shall be repatriated by converting local currency to the currency of loan-sourced country at the prevailing exchange rate. Further relaxation has been brought through the Foreign Exchange Circular No.4 (19 Jan. 2021) of Bangladesh Bank. The relaxation is applicable to:
    • In addition to manufacturing industries, the short-term borrowing can be accessible by foreign owned companies engaged in service activities (except trading business),
    • Such short-term borrowings can be admissible in convertible foreign currencies maximum for six years from the date of inception of manufacturing/ service activities.
    • Borrowing companies may pay interest maximum at the rate of 3.0% per annum.
    • Prior approval by Bangladesh Bank is not required neither for receipt nor to repay the loan. But borrowing companies have to report about obtaining and repaying the loan.
  • Yes, companies must be registered with BIDA or competent authority to avail long term foreign loan. Prior permission has to be obtained from BIDA to avail foreign/overseas loan.

    • Prior approval of BIDA is required for borrowing from abroad in foreign currency (commercial loan, buyer’s and supplier’s credit, etc.) to import capital goods for new project, replacement or expansion of the existing production facilities.
    • No permission is granted to avail foreign loan to use as working capital.
    • The Scrutiny Committee on Foreign Loan/Supplier’s Credit award approval to avail foreign loan. The application for foreign loan has to be submitted to BIDA in the prescribed form with following supporting documents:
      • Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement from Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms,
      • Certified copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company,
      • Copy of Registration Certificate ‘from BIDA,
      • Term-sheet, Loan MoU, or Loan Agreement between the lender and borrower, indicating repayment period with detailed schedule, grace period, calculated effective rate of interest,
      • Board’s resolution related to the proposed borrowing,
      • Feasibility report of the investment project,
      • Financial analysis covering internal rate of return (IRR), break-even point, debt-equity ratio of the project, debt-service coverage ratio, for both base and sensitive cases,
      • Relevant equity forms and undertaking from the sponsors/ directors duly filled in for collection of CIB report.
      • Bank certificate on indebtedness or creditworthiness of the borrowing company and its sponsors based on the latest CIB report,
      • Certificate from BRTC or BUET which validate the quality, price, and economic life of capital machinery to be imported (in case of supplier’s credit only),
      • Encashment certificate, C-Form and Bangladesh Bank report collected from the authorized dealer,
      • Utilization of the subject loan with proper banking documents,
      • Equity encashment certificate of the project with proper banking documents,
      • Credential of the sponsors, and
      • Track record of foreign borrowing.
        ♦ This application of foreign currency loan is currently serviced through BIDA’s online OSS platform (
        ♦ Foreign owned (100%) investment projects that are located in EPZ may however obtain foreign currency loans from overseas financial institutions or entities, without prior approval of BIDA or BB.
        ♦ Applications shall be examined in terms of commercial viability, indebtedness and creditworthiness of the borrower, repayment period, debt-equity ratio, quality/ price/ economic life of procured capital machinery and equipment.
        ♦ BIDA gives priority mainly to the medium to longer term borrowing.
        ♦ Applications, after duly scrutinized, shall then be submitted to the Scrutiny Committee headed by the Governor of Bangladesh Bank (BB) for final approval. Following additional documents are needed for the Power Sector:
        • Letter of Intent,
        • Implementation Agreement, and
        • Power Purchase Agreement


  • Bangladesh adopts a progressive taxation rate on personal income (for resident with presence in Bangladesh: i) for 182 days or more in one fiscal year or ii) for 90 days or more in one fiscal year iii) 365 days or more in preceding 4 years), which ranges from 0% to 25% (surcharge is payable by wealthy individuals). Personal income tax rate is to be determined by the Finance Act every fiscal year. Following is the existing rates of personal income tax:

    First BDT 300,000 = Nil Next BDT 100,000 = 5% Next BDT 300,000 = 10% Next BDT 400,000 = 15% Next BDT 500,000 = 20% On balance = 25% Individuals can be entitled to investment tax rebates if they make eligible investments. Foreign nationals can also take benefits of double taxation avoidance treaties.

    The budget FY 2021-2022 has proposed to keep existing rate for individual taxpayers unchanged. However, a special provision for the third gender community is introduced and a proposal to fix the tax-free ceiling of this community at Taka 350,000/.

  • Income tax regime is governed by the Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 (amended annually by the Finance Act) and a number of Statutory Regulatory Orders (SROs). The government has progressively lowered general Corporate Income Tax (CIT) rate (currently, 30% for unlisted company and 25% for listed companies except some specific sectors) over the past decades. Capital gains are taxed separately at a general rate of 15%. CIT regime is regarded as standard based on usual determination of taxable income and deductible expenses, but shows differences from other countries in the application of: i) differentiated tax rates (whether limited liability company or proprietorship business, publicly-listed or not, and depending on sector), ii) advance/ presumptive payments. Bangladesh applies a presumptive taxation to certain types of incomes. Proceeds of goods export are to be withheld at source against FOB value, for example. Withholding practices also apply to proceeds of services, payments of goods import, royalty/ technical license fees, dividend, interest for loan and other fees. These withheld taxes are advanced payment in nature, thus become credited against final tax assessment. Turnover tax (0.6% of gross receipts except for particular sectors) exists as well, that can be levied on all companies, irrespective of taxable income and potential loss, constituting a minimum obligation. Any companies in Bangladesh are mandated to register and obtain Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) from the National Board of Revenue (NBR) for the purpose of income tax reporting/ filing.

  • A new VAT and Supplementary Duty Act was approved by the parliament in 2012 and came into effect in Jul. 2019. The general rate of VAT remains at 15%. Although VAT is imposed on goods/ services at each stage of import, manufacturing, delivery or trading, Bangladesh makes an extensive use of truncated base tax assessment, where the businesses with annual sales over BDT 8 million shall pay a turnover tax of 15% in lieu of VAT.

    The rules regulating VAT refunds are defined more precisely in the new act. Excess payment of input VAT over output VAT is to be carried forward for the subsequent six tax periods. If the excess payment cannot be exhausted over the periods, taxpayer is eligible for a refund, to be paid within three months of application.

    All companies are mandated to obtain VAT registration certificate, that is followed by acquisition of Business Identification Number (BIN) for tax filling. Application for VAT registration shall be submitted to a (deputy) VAT commissioner. After proper scrutiny, a registration certificate addressing BIN (or turnover tax enlistment certificate) would be then issued via the VAT system within three working days.

  • As of April 2021, Bangladesh enters into the double taxation treaties (DTTs) with 34 countries such as: Belarus, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vietnam To avail the DTTs, investors need to register their investments with BIDA and then apply to NBR for double taxation relief.

  • Bangladesh has concluded Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) with 29 countries (Austria, Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union, Cambodia, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Netherland, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Vietnam).

    All BITs signed by the Bangladesh government offer protection against expropriation and typically include non-discrimination, prompt, adequate and effective compensation. The principles of most-favored nation (MFN) and national treatment (for post-establishment, not for entry) are also granted

    If required, where does detail information is available to invest in Bangladesh?

    • 1.For detail information on investment a handbook can be consulted which is available online. Please visit the following link:
    • 2.If further details are required, please feel free to contact: For local industries: Director, Registration and Incentive-Local Industries, BIDA Email: For foreign and joint ventures: Director, Registration and Incentive-Foreign Industries, BIDA Email: For commercial offices: Director, Registration and Incentive-Foreign Commercial, BIDA Email: